2019 ~ Folk Art & Friendship


2019 Guild President, Rachel Harvey

Programs & Activities

2019 Calendar

Folk Art Gathering by Cheri Saffiote Payne

January 4th ~  Kickoff 2019:

Friendship & Folk Art

February 7th ~ Border Lesson: Debbie Proctor

 Round Robin Begins, Challenge Issued

MARCH 7th ~ Friendship Block Exchange Begins

April 12th & 13th ~ Retreat: Amy Defa, Chair

May 9th ~ Round Robin Due

June 6th ~ Challenge Check-In

July 11th ~ 2nd Round Robin Group Begins

August 8th ~ Super Sew & Tell

September 5th ~ Jacket Class

**SEW DAY!!  September 21st**

10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Guest Presenter:  Randi Deem

October 3rd ~ 2nd Round Robin Due

November 7th ~ Challenge Project Due

December 5th ~ Christmas Party

Folk Art Design Challenge
3 animals
2 structures
3 tall, elongated elements
4 to 5 extra elements
to reflect your style/interests
2 of your favorite quilt blocks
>> 2019 Design Challenge Form << (click to download)

Quilt Show at the Library
>> 2019 HVQ Library Quilt Show Form << (click to download) 
Round Robin Exchange 

Center block:  9" x 9" to 16" x 16", Due Feb 7th
Round 1 Due March 7th
Round 2 Due April 4th
Round 3 Due May 2nd

>> Round Robin Instructions <<


2019 HVQ Board Members

President ~ Rachel Harvey
VP / President Elect ~ Tamara Ellis
Secretary / Treasurer ~ Carol Hunt
Historian / Webmistress ~ Deonn Stott
Newsletter / Emails ~ Brook Moss
Social Media / Photos ~ Ali Rogers
Charity Quilt Chair ~ Paige Douglas
Retreat Chairwoman ~ Amy Defa
Birthday Coordinator ~ Michele Murdock
Refreshment Coordinator ~ Shirley Zane
Utah Quilt Guild Representative ~ Barb Murdock

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